Monday 15 September
Vet Ed Brett was in after first lot this morning to scope the horses that will be hopefully running at the weekend. Ogee, Mattaking and Important Business will be entered at Uttoxeter. Ogee in a Novices Hurdle, Matty in a Novices Handicap Hurdle, and Important Business in a Handicap Hurdle. All scoped clean, and it is all systems go for Sunday. One important piece of news that slipped throught the net last week, was the progress that Rousing Rob has made in his schooling. He is now skipping over his hurdles in grand form. This is all a bit sooner that usual, but with the perfect ground around at the moment it was decided to kick on with his education while the conditions were in our favour. There are still 2 shares for sale in this very well bred son of Selkirk, so get in touch, he will be running in 2-3 weeks - what more could you want - instant fun!!