End Of The Road For Itchy
A day late this week – due to a hectic weekend! Last weeks news starts a day early – so it now seems an age ago! After...
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The Finest Four Days
What a week – The Cheltenham Festival served up some top class sport, and unbelievable drama over the course of 4 days. It...
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This One's A Filly!
A wonderfully warm week – plenty of sunshine and plenty going on although not much on the track for our team – that wonderful weather scuppering plans for one and not being quite...
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And She Didn't (Again)
Apologies for the problems with last weeks News. A few of you had noticed that the page had been loading quite slowly for a couple of weeks – and it seems that last weeks ramblings tipped the...
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Longest Travellers
We have to start this weeks’ catch up with news of a little night out we had with friends last Sunday, when we nipped up to Northampton to see Clinton Baptiste at the Royal &...
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'Break Glass....'
A quieter week – with no racecourse action until the weekend, but as always there was plenty going on, and this weeks news will also feature ‘Part Deux’ of the ‘Debbie...
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North and South
We start this week with some sad news. Yesterday we learned that one of our long-time syndicate members, Jeremy Bartlett has sadly passed away. Jeremy had been a member of NBR for over ten years...
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Future - Both Long and Short Term
We start this weeks collection of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors with news of an afternoon out at the sports – just a different sport! Football – and our annual trip, as guests...
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Norfolk to North Yorks
Seven days for the price of six again this week – as we start off this week’s tales of tracks, travels and sales in Fakenham last Sunday, where Greyval was contesting the £25,000...
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Cloud Lifts The Gloom
We start the weeks round up last Sunday – long-time syndicate members Ben and his father-in-law Pat added to their string by purchasing the last remaining share in Rockola. Ben and Pat have had...
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