Sunday 19 October

Michael Kehoe was my Sunday driver as we headed off to Herefordshire to pick up the Classic Cliche gelding I have purchased to go Point to Pointing. We arrived just in time for Sunday Lunch and had a beautiful piece of Herefordshire beef in the local pub before loading up the new boy and heading home. He travelled very well, and did not turn a hair and settled in immediately back at Michaels yard. It will be gently away with him for a couple of weeks, but we should see him in action early in the new year. Mattaking has got into Plumpton tomorrow and will take on 13 opponents. I think the track will suit, as he will be able to free wheel downhill twice during the race, and we would hope for a decent run.Plumpton, although not the easiest track to get to, is really worth the touble as it is the quaintest wee track you will visit. Everything is is so close and handy and there is really no great walking to be done. The track and the facilities are both much improved lately and it is a good day out, as there is a really good atmosphere.

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