Sunday 26 october

A bit of welcome rain this morning meant that Troglodyte could take his chance at Towcester. 3 miles and stiff uphill finish should have been right up his alley, and with the rain, the ground was just on the soft side of good, and perfectly safe, as he has has leg trouble in the past. Jamie Moore took the ride, and really had to earn his fee, he was certainly more tired than Trogs by the end of the race!! Troglodyte made a bad mistake at the second flight and after that was never really travelling, he had been very well supported all morning but it was soon clear that the public punt had gone west, as he did not raise a gallop for the remainder of the race. Disappointing to say the least and he will now be fitted with some headgear - something it was suspected he needed during his last season racing before his injury, but he ran so well when fresh at Uttoxeter, over an inadequate trip, that he was given the benfit of the doubt, but now all doubt is long gone and he will have to buck his ideas up a bit!! Important Business seems fine after his run, but is as usual very tired, he will have an easy week.

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