Friday 7 November

As you will have read on this site at the start of the week, I had a real moan about the facilities for horses and stable staff at Huntingdon on Sunday. Well, I am pleased to report that there were some slight improvements to the situation on Wednesday. Firstly the horse walk was re-routed to miss the quagmire along the ditch, and that made things a lot better, there was more hot water in the stables, and as this is so important,so that was a great improvement, although the surface and the drains in the stable yard itself still need attention as it was still flooded and very sloppy! Steps in the right directions though! Very interesting to read about the Dean Mckeown situation on the front page of the Racing Post today, and I am pleased that the glaring differences in the actions taken by the BHA in this case and the one concerning Kierren Fallon et al. Have been pointed out - Let's hope the security department at the BHA get things sorted out! That ride that Dean Mckeown gave that horse on Tuesday was simply awful and in my mind people who have so little respect for our great sport, and bring it into disrepute in this way, should be banned from the sport and its courses, sales rings, and trainers yards for life.No runners from Fences Farm for the next few days, but I will report on a busy work morning tomorrow.

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