Thursday 20 N ovember
I really do spoil the members of the Nick Brown Racing Club!! I am pleased to report that they will be enjoying an afternoons racing from the warmth (because it is going to be bloody freezing) and comfort of their own hospitality suite on Saturday afternoon. I have brokered a deal with Huntingdon to have a box at their meeting, in which there will be tea and coffee facilities and a pay bar, it should be a lot more civilised than having 30 of us in the Owners and Trainers Bar! If there are any members of one of our Partnerships at Huntingdon on Saturday then please feel free to join us- just follow the signs to Box 8.It seems we will not be as famous as we originally thought with Kikos as his race will be the 2.25pm and not the 3.30pm (final leg) of the Scoop 6, but it will still be fun to be involved, and have another runner on Channel 4.
Good news to report about Rousing Rob, he has been suffering with a boney spike in the back of his knee that has been interfering with his tendon and making him intermittently lame. We have laid off him for the rest of the winter to see if it would re-shape and not hinder the tendon, but we have gone back and had another look at the X-Rays,and sent them off for another opinion with the countys leading 'knee' surgeons,and they have decided that there is an operation that he can have that will rid him of the spike and hopefully return him 100% sound. The success rate of the op. is very high, and things are looking better for Rousing Rob and his career. It will be a long time before he is back, but he is a horse with enormous potential, and we look forward to getting him to the races for his very patient owners.