Wednesday 26 November
Thanks to Ben Turner and Jay Tabb, who hosted Stuart and I at Coventry City's home game against Swansea last night. We both had a really good night, unfortunately Jay could not be there as he has a throat infection, and Ben did not get a game, but he came and sat with us and we watched a pretty good goal that ended in a 1:1 draw with two very good free kicks in the second half, good night all round. Back on the horse front, College Ace should be off to Leicester on Sunday, and we may be back at the midlands track on 10 December with Bobby Gee as there is a really nice race for him there, which will mean we can get a run into him over Christmas and New Year when the races cut up a bit. Leicester really is a lovely little track, the facilities are fine and the new developments work really well, the one thing it lacks is atmosphere! The crowd usually consists of two men and a three legged dog, and it is all pretty quiet (a bit like the Ricoh Arena last night). But it is a track that we do well at, and I quite like going.