Tuesday 2 December
As we have entered December, and time continues its march towards Christmas I thought it was a good time to mention the Injured Jockeys Fund, who do so much good work for the men that are injured as part of this wonderful sport. For over 44 years the IJF has provided medical, financial and pastoral care to jockeys(their spouses or dependandts) who have suffered through injury. There is no financial limit to this care which is there for as long as is necessary.Without the generosity of enthusiastic supporters the IJF would be unable to maintain its commitment to assisting in jured jockeys. Each year they pay out more than £1.5 million in medical fees, grants and other charitable expenses. The only guaranteed source of income (which itself is variable) is from investment income (£1/2 million) and the annual sale of Christmas cards, calendars and other gift items, on which they rely heavily. So in this run up to Christmas please keep your eyes out for their stalls at the races, and purchase either cards or calendars, or if you cannot make it to the races and would like to support this worthy cause, then all the merchandise is available through the IJF website www.ijf.org.uk.