Thursday 29 January
The Filly that we purchased on Tuesday arrived back at Michael Kehoes at 9.30 last night, and with all the wet and unsavoury weather about at the moment, will be kept in for a couple of days so that she can lay down in the warm and dry and get some rest after her ordeals at the sales. It must surely take it out of them, to leave the quiet confines of their birth place and be shoved through the hurly burly of the sale ring and all that it entails. She will probably sleep well!! Back at Fences Farm, and Bobby Gee is in fabulous form, and we are looking at races for him towards the end of next week and the beginning of the next. The Weekender have been on the phone to Mrs Robeson asking her for a few quotes about Bobs after his last run at Wincanton, so expect there to be a few lines about him in that paper when the entries are published for his next outing. (Probably next Wednesdays edition). The rest of the horses are all well and just on tick over waiting for the better ground. Important Business is back under saddle and being ridden quietly around the farm after having his splint pin fired, and is coming on well - it was good timing to do it this month as he would not have been running anyway!