Monday 2 February
Icterus will not have to make the trip to Soutwell this afternoon as the meeting has unsurprisingly succumbed to the weather. Snow all over this morning, only a dusting, but the ground is fairly well frozen underneath. Horses will take a turn on the walker today - Monday is an easy day anyway, after their day off yesterday, so a stroll around the walker will be nothing out of the ordinary for them.The difficulty lies in what to do with the gallop, if it is harrowed and the snow gets incorporated and freezes it can be very much worse, so Stuart will have some tricky management decisions to make later today, to ensure that the surface is useable later in the week.Bobby Gee will be entered for a handicap hurdle at Warwick on Saturday, and Mattaking will be entered for Hereford on Sunday, just in case a miraculous thaw and drying spell arrives before the weekend - not much sign of that judging by the forecast!!