Friday 13 February
Typical Friday 13th - The best morning for nearly 2 weeks at Fences farm inn terms of the conditions - and Fakenham is off due to snow - how unlucky is that!! Bahreyna will now try another day. I had a chat with Mrs Robeson last night, and she quite rightly wants the horses to have a school over hurdles or fences before they run, and although her staff have worked doubly hard over the last few days to get the horses out, and most will have not lost too much in the way of fitness, it has been a long time since anything left the ground, so all will be schooled before running again. For this reason Bobby Gee will miss Wincanton tomorrow, but there are plenty of races for him over the next 2 weeks so it should not be too long to wait. The next runners are likely to be at Doncaster next Wednesday where E Major and Icterus both have entries. The weather forecast looks favourable , with a spell of dry weather on the way which will suit both horses ans we should be back on track!! No more snow now please!!