Monday 15 June
With the advent of the new season, and the horses coming back into training in the next few weeks, some for a variety of new owners. The back yard at Fences Farm has had a bit of a make over. Gone is the cracked concrete, and in its place is a lovely gravel yard with flower beds. It really has smartened the place up, and hopefully all the horses from this yard will be winning next season. Sam Jones was up on Saturday morning to ride work, he rode Heebie Jeebie who worked well with Kikos, it is a quiet time of year for the jump jockeys and sessions like these are vital to keep their fitness levels up. It was good to see SP and get a chance to have a quiet chat with him when the mornings work was over. He will be up again on Wednesday to school a few over hurdles and fences.All the horses look well in the field, Jardin De Vienne has a new friend in Troglodyte, the two have become inseperable and Trogs is very protective of his new mate. Bobby looks amazing- and still has a super physique - he looks as though he only ran a week ago!! Rousing Rob seems A1, and we are looking forward to getting him back into work.