Tuesday 16 June
Although it definitely could be, the headline does not refer to me and BBQs, it refers to the reaction of the handicapper to Dauricas runaway win at Southwell last week. I think he must have had a few drinks at the weekend, as he has put her up a staggering 22lbs!!! We all know that she won by a wide margin, and could not have been more impressive, but 22lbs for beating what in hindsight were a lot of have beens, and have never beens seems very harsh. I admit the race did look competitive before hand but both Stuart and I thought that when we looked at the race after the event, it was not the strongest of races. The handicapper obviously disagrees, and if he is right then we will soon have to start planning a campaign for her that will feature the big David Nicholson Mares race at the Cheltenham Festival!! One thing for sure is that it makes placing her very hard - but she should be out again in the next couple of weeks!