Monday 22 June
A lovely morning on Saturday - just a little cooler than expected on top of the hill, but dry! It is always good to see fresh faces at Fences Farm, and today we had Ollie Creswell, and Andrew Litchfield with his daughters Katy and Hannah. Ollie is already 'attached' to the yard as his partner Bev works there, and has had the honour of leading up stable star Ogee all season. Ollie is interested in joining the Racing Club. Andrew is the brother of Paul Litchfield, who is a really keen member of the Racing Club and Paul was keen to show his brother the yard, his girls are really mad about horses so it was a fun morning for them. Alan, Colin and Ann and little Katy Garratt were also up, and it was good to see Colin out and about after his recent spell in hospital.New faces are always welcome, so if you fancy coming to see us give me a call.They all saw Kikos work very well, he was joined by Daurica second time up who worked very impressively - she continues to improve - and is astounding everyone at the moment with her level of work. Kikos will be entered today for a 2 mile race at Uttoxeter on Sunday, Sam will ride.