Thursday 9 July

A diversion away from the racing world today - The Ashses began yesterday (In Wales)????!!! Anyway, after the first ball was bowled I don't suppose it matters where the games take place!! A really good days play - and at the conclusion I suppose the game is still very much alive and in the balance, - but how things could be different if Pietersen had not played such a ridiculous shot!! What was he doing!! Things were ticking along well - the Aussies were under pressure and he goes and does that! A lot of scribes writing this morning that as long as he plays shots like that he will never be a 'great' batsman, and I thought to myself that the way he got himself out yesterday was akin to our own great, AP McCoy,coming down the hill at Cheltenham on a strong travelling favourite, kicking his feet out of the irons and riding over the last three fences of the Gold Cup with no stirrups - just because he fancied trying something different. I do hope that KP decides to rein himself in a bit!!

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