Saturday 25 July
A beautiful morning at Fences Farm this morning. Kikos is still in the field after his run, and will be ridden again on Monday. It is always important for them to relax and switch off after they have run, and being out in the field, and getting a good bit of grass every day has let him put back on the weight he lost after his run. It was good to see Brian Holmes up again and he was able to watch Ogee do one gentle canter, and College Ace to two good canters with two nice youngsters of Michael Kehoes. It is good to see the yards filling up once again, and I am thrilled with the way Rousing Rob is looking after a few weeks back in. He is starting to get his figure back, and Stuart who rode him yesterday was really pleased with the way he is moving in his slower paces. At the moment it seems as though the operation that he had over the winter has been a fantastic success, and he is certainly striding out better than he did last year.