Sunday 2 August

A busy day today, first lot at Fences Farm to see Rousing Rob canter. Good to see Sam up, and he rode him, Sam who has barely sat on a horse for the past 2 weeks after he broke his collar bone, was pleased with the way he went, and said he felt in grand form. Michael and Fiona over second lot to work three, and College Ace under Sam joined in at the back for two canters. Then it was a hop over to Westoning to see Mike Murphy and Jerry Cullinan about having Noble Rebellion, who will be going there and running under rules for the club over the winter months. Mike really does have a super set up, and hopefully NR will thrive there, there will be a morning organised when NR is cantering for all of the Club to go over and see one of the nicest yards in the area.A sneak preview can be had on .After a tour round and a chat with Mike and Jerry I headed over to Michael and Fionas to see all the horses over there. Kikos is relaxed and well, and has settled in well, Mattaking and Important Business both look fabulous, and the Silver Patriach gelding and Kayf Tara filly are both growing and turning into really nice individuals. The Filly had a little canter around, and is the most beautiful mover - very athletic and fluid.

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