Monday 21 September
It was back to school for Jardin De Vienne on Saturday! A lovely morning and good to see the Garratt clan, who along with Ollie Creswell, came to see JDV for the first time. He did just one steady canter and then headed for the jumps field where he was schooled over a grid on the rotorvated ground. Although he has had many runs over hurdles, and one over fences his jumping technique was never the best, and it was obvious from his session on Saturday that he could do starting afresh. He will be taken back to basics, and start from scratch, and I am sure he will benefit hugely from the re-education. First lot saw College Ace to a nice solo piece of work before his run tomorrow at Stratford, Rock Wren went well with Il Duce, Rousing Rob also swung along nicely with Time Will Tell, a very nice unraced horse of Michael Kehoes, with Willow Wren in behind. A nice bunch of horses who all worked well. Second lot saw Bobby Gee at his exuberant best, working with Galoshes, Ogee and Bahreyna. Saturday night we stumbled into a Beer Festival (a genuine mistake - HONEST!!) and had a really fun night, must make a note and try to get back there next year!!!