Wednesday 28 ctober
It is all sysyems go with our lads at Fences Farm. Jardin De Vienne was scoped yesterday, and he was clean, so he is now OK to do his final couple of bits of fast work, and is definitely on course to run late next week at either Fontwell or Sandown. At the moment I favour Sandown on the Saturday, it is a Conditional Jockeys race, and Sam will be eligible to ride but as he has ridden over 20 winners he will be not be able to claim an allowance, but as he has done a lot of the schooling on JDV I think it is sensible that he takes the ride if available. Bobby Gee did a fantastic piece of work yesterday, and will now have entries from November 5th, and it was good to see Rousing Rob do a very good piece of work as well - he is now over his slight set back, and with another couple of fast bits of work under his belt he will be ready to run in a bumper. He will work again on Saturday and next Tuesday, and as long as he comes through these pieces of work to everyones satisfaction he will have entries from then on (as long as the rain arrives) it would be nice to get him to Uttoxeter on Nov 14th, but we must remember that he really will need some juice in the ground, and if there is none about we will have to be patient. I promised news on Icterus, and the vet had a good look at him yesterday, and although the first diagnosis at the course was a torn muscle, it seems as though the real problem is a fracture in the lower leg. Fortunately it has not displaced and he should make a full recovery, but like all these things it will take time. He will now have a few months box rest, and be reassessed after Christmas. Thanks again for all your texts and emails wishing him well.