Friday 28 May
Important Business takes his chance at Uttoxeter on Sunday. The forecast rain will help to ease the ground, and it should suit him well. There are 5 declarations, including a Triumph Hurdle second in Franchoek, so it is no easy heat but he is well and should run his race. At least we have a secret weapon - Alan Gibson - who has been to Utoxeter 8 times with his horses and has never been out of the first 3!! An incredible record and one that will hopefully remain intact after Sunday! The Doncaster National Hunt Store Sale this week has been very painful for vendors, and there were plenty of long faces amongst the sellers, and plenty of money lost! Typically though, if the job is tough for one side of the deal it is very much more easy for the other side, and there were one or two real bargains about! Quite a few of the well bred lots were purchased by trainers and agents on spec, and are still waiting to find an owner, so if you are interested in having a beautifully bred horse, at the cheapest price they have been since 1999 then give me a call (07909 518902).