Tuesday 8 June

Poor old E Major has suffered the ultimate double whammy, beaten into second on Thursday night, and put up 6lbs for his efforts today!! He will now have to run off of an even higher mark, and he is yet to win over timber - very very harsh!! On the other hand Daurica has been dropped 5 lbs, but is probably still 5 too high, her run on Sunday indicated that she still retains her ability and when asked to carry the right weight in the right grade should be up to winning again. Kikos is starting to act the goat, so he is telling us he is ready to go on Friday - let's hope they miss the rain as he will not be running if the ground gets juicy. Important Business is in great form, and on todays ratings would be rated 125 if entered for a handicap, which at this stage of his chasing career seems a bit high, so he will stick to Novice company for now. A lovely outcome with JDV yesterday, when Selena, who has worked for Mrs Robeson for a number of years asked me if she could have him. He will be going to a great home - with someone who knows him very well, and it is a super end to an enjoyable season with him. Those of you who come to the yard regularly will know Ollie Creswell,who sent me the following email: I wondered if you'd be kind enough to put a link to my teams sponsorship page for the British Heart Foundation london to brighton bike ride on your news page on the website? The ride is getting ever closer and i'm on a bit of a sponsorship push. A bit of background, a friend of mine asked me if i wanted to join a group of likeminded 'petrolheads' in leaving the petrol in the pump for the day and embarking on a 56 mile cycle to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. I foolishly agreed thinking it would be a good way to get fit... as you have probably guessed the training has been a bit er lacking so it'll be a nice challenge :) Anyway the ride is on the 20th June so its getting very close...... The URL is http://www.justgiving.com/teampistonheads Any help is greatly recieved.

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