Thursday 10 June
KIkos is declared to run at Aintree tomorrow night. The ground looks as though it will be perfect - just on the quick side of good - and with only 5 declarations it looks like a good chance for our boy to add to his win tally. 29 of his loyal owners will be making the trip to Merseyside, and a big thankyou must go to Carly Goodall the Owners and Trainers representative at the track, as she has accomodated us all with Owners and Trainers badges, and says that everyone will be able to enjoy the carvery made available for Owners and Trainers. A great gesture, as we never expect a large number to be accomodated like a small syndicate, and we are very grateful. Very different to the way that poor Ollie was treated when trying to organise things at Stratford in my absence! I know that Sratford does not have the infrastructure of Aintree, and we did have an unusually high turnout of members (46) but their attitiude was very unobliging, including refusing to invoice me for the extra badges, and making Ollie pay for them on the gate, (he was told of this at 7.30am on the morning of the race), not a great way to treat the people of effectively provide the sport - in over 10 years of organising syndicates that was certainly the worst it has been, and I was on the other side of the world!! Well done Ollie!