Wednesday 9 February
Bobby Gee will not be declared For Huntingdon tomorrow as the ground has dried up to Good. This would be fine for him if there was a decent covering of lush spring grass, but unfortunately the ground will just be dried out bare patches of mud, and he will not be risked on that sort of surface. Kempton is already Good To Firm in places and watering, so he is very unlikely to go there either! Looking forward there are plent of races for him between the 22 and 26th of this month so we will just have to be patient! Grey Bobby and Omaruru were meant to enjoy a bit of morning sunshine yesterday on their day off, but GB being GB decided it would be good fun to jump out of his paddock into Omars, so that put paid to that nice morning off!! Important Business has returned looking very well, and Alice gave him a little outing up the drive - Alice is thrilled to have her pony back!! Stuart reports Kikos to be in fine form. Bushlark is likely to be declared for the bumper at Huntingdon tomorrow, and Ogee is entered in the Aon chase at Newbury on Saturday, although the race is a cut above his level, there are only 9 entries and it ticks all the boxes in terms of getting him back on the racecourse, he is in great form!