Tuesday 22 February
Bobby Gee gets much more comfortable by the day, although not being able to go to work in the morning is making him fairly grumpy! The vets were out to him again yesterday and with the use of nerve blocks they have isolated the problem to his hock. Unfortuantely the physiology of the hock makes it very hard to identify if the problem is skeletal, or soft tissue, and further research will be done. The treatment is the same for both injuries - a 3 month spell confined to his box, so that is what he will have to have. Hopefully at the end of the period he will have mended and will be able to spend a couple of months in the field before coming back into training in the Autumn. It was really nice to get a message via Twitter from Tom O'Brien, who rode him to his 2 wins this season. Tom has been on twitter for some time, but had never tweeted until last night to wish Bobby Gee well. Sunday Sharpner travels to Wetherby this afternoon, and if he builds on his last run at Leicester he should be in the shake up, with ground and trip suiting. News on Omaruru is that judging by his work this morning, if he ever gets 3 miles over fences he will be a very serious racehorse! He was electric today, and did a fine piece of work with Ogee. Omaruru is a very exciting prospect, and I can't believe there are a few shares left for sale in him! 07909 518902 if you would like to be in on the action with this adorable and very talented horse that could well be taking us to the best of places in the coming years!