Thursday 24 February
Stuart reports Bobby to be more and more comfortable every day, unfortunately we are all still in the dark as to the nature of the injury. We know it is in his hock, but the nature of the joints in that area make it very difficult to pin down the exact cause of the pain. It may be a ligament or he may have a small fracture - either way he will be locked up for 3 months. In the meantime we will be making every effort to locate the exact problem so that we know a prognosis. Kikos and Important Business are both in such rude health that they have started to canter. Horses naturally get fresher as they gain fitness and these two had done plenty on the walker prior to returning to Fences Farm and full training, so they were beginning to get a bit frisky! Upping their exercise is the only option, it makes life a lot easier for their riders - they stand a chance of staying on them! Omaruru is still on track for Newbury on the 4th of March, and is in flying form!!