Wednesday 9 March

A decision will be made later this week on Grey Bobby. Everyone is very keen to get another bumper run into him, as his debut experience was far from pleasant! But after his, run he has just been a bit on the buzz, and has lost a bit of condition. Speaking to Stuart last night he reports that GB has calmed down a bit and put on a bit of weight, and by the end of the week we will know if we are going to get another run into him or not.Having decided to give Omaruru a nice long break after his win last Friday, alternative plans were considered over the past couple of days. I remembered that there is a nice race at Haydock over the fixed brush hurdles that is worth a few quid. This race is usually run at the beginning of April, is a Class 2 and jumping the fixed brush hurdles (which at Haydock are like baby fences) would be an ideal stepping stone to chasing in the future. Unfortunately this year the race is not until the Easter weekend at the end of the month and so we have decided to stick to original plans and give him a holiday. He will school over the chase fences again today, and if Grey Bobby doesn't run again they will head of on their break together. Work continues on finding a replacement for Robo, and I think I may have just missed out (by a matter of hours) on an ideal candidate, but things will start to move now that we are getting into spring, and my spies are still on the case! Kikos and Important usiness continue in rude health and are loving lif., Looking forward - IB may well be going back to Market Rasen on Easter Monday if he is ready in time, as there is an ideal race there for him! Bobby Gee is going around his box now with no sign of discomfort, he will be x-rayed again in a few weeks, when the site of any fracture should be more obvious.

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