Thursday 7 April
Kikos is entered to run at Towcester next Tuesday. He is in the first race of their evening fixture (5.00pm) and there are 10 entries. He is in good form, and with the ground on the quick side, and running over his proven trip of 2 miles he should go well. Towcester is an idiosyncratic track, but we have always thought it would suit our boy, so we are very much looking forward to getting his season underway. We had a good meeting last night in the Cowpers Oak (where else!!??) with the remaining members of The Ravenstone Partnership who owned dear old Robo, so tragically lost in action at Cheltenham before Christmas. With the busy sales season kicking off next week, we had a get together to plan ahead with budgets and likely targets, and I am pleased to say it went very well and everyone seemed upbeat about the future and a new horse. There will be a couple of places in the partnership, so if you would like to join in the fun then let me know (07909 518902). I will be very busy at the sales with a number of horses to buy for partnerships and clients, so the head will be in the form book, and pedigrees for a day or two!! Great news earlier this week about Bobby Gee, who I was very worried about. He was still lame after 6 weeks box rest which did not look good, but on referral to the equine hospital in Newmarket they have found 2 bone chips in his troublesome hock, which will be removed later today. The prognosis is very good - after a months box rest, a month on the walker and a month in the field he can come back into training! A fantastic outcome.