Friday 15 April
More miles to do tomorrow, as we continue our quest to bring fresh blood into the yard for existing owners and new clients. Firstly tomorrow we will welcome a new face to the yard, who will be with us after breakfast to have a look at Tuesdays winner, Kikos. Kikos has come out of his race OK and will do a gentle canter second lot. After lunch,Stuart and I will hit the road, but luckily only just up the M1, to see some nicely bred sorts that we think could fit the bill. These horses are broken in, but guanranteed untried, so at least Stuart can have a sit on them and get a bit of a feel for them. He will not be able to tell if they will win a Gold Cup, but at least he will get a slight idea as to how they are to ride etc. More sales next week, where we have our eye on one or two, so we will have to get our selling hats on during the summer!! If anyone would like to be considered for a share in any of the new horses then please let me know so I can put your name down. Give me a call on 07909 518902 for more information,it is easier than you think! And less costly than most!