Thursday 28 April

Good news about our old star Bobby Gee, who was admitted to Rossdales in Newmarket a month or so ago to try to get to the bottom of his lameness, While there he was bone scanned, and underwent further xrays and ultrasound, after which they found 2 bone chips in his hock. These were removed by arthroscopy, and after a couple of days he returned to Michael and Fiona Kehoes. A couple of days ago he had his staples removed and trotted up sound, so that really is a step in the right direction! There are other issues for him to overcome and his career is not guaranteed to resume yet, but this is a massive step, and we are all keeping our fingers crossed that our old warrior can get back into battle next season. Talking of old warriors - Zoe sent me this lovely picture pf Mattaking who attended his first show over the weekend and walked away with the first prize in the class for ex racehorses! This qualifies him for a big show in London now, so best of luck to them both!

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