Thursday 26 May
There appears to be some odd wet stuff falling from the sky - if anyone can remember what they call it please let me know!!!! It doesn't seem 2 minutes since the winter horses went out for their holidays. But next week two will be back in to start again. Ogee and new boy Colebrook will be the first back to work. Ogee who struggled last winter, should resume refreshed and raring to go, and hopefully they can get a clear run with him this time and get his head back in front. Colebrooke, purchased for the new TMT Grand partnership in April, will be prepared for a late summer start over hurdles.Omaruru, the new horse by Exit To Nowhere and Grey Bobby will be back in early July. An assessment will be made about Bobby Gee in a couple of weeks. Off out now to have another look at the wet stuff...........amazed!!