Thursday 14 July
The forecast looks ominous! With the ground currently just on the quick side of good at Market Rasen, the last thing we need for Kikos is a downpour before Saturday (5.30pm). Yesterday the forecast was for rain of biblical proportions over the East Midlands, but at least this morning the forecast has changed to a less intense downpour, so if it keeps changing that way, then all the better. Sam was up on Monday and schooled him and he said he was very good and felt in great form. If the ground goes, and we do not get to run, Kikos may have to have a spin over hurdles as there is not another suitable race for him until mid August, unless we want to go to a very hot race at Newton Abbott, or run for peanuts at Worcester! Neither option really 'floats the boat'! All in all we have to hope and pray that the rain is not too heavy and we get a crack at it on Saturday!