Tuesday 11 October
San Telm is rapidly becoming a bit of a teachers pet. Stuart (pretty much out of character) has developed a bit of a soft spot for him, and thinks he is a very very nice horse. He is cantering away nicely, goes really well! Still shares for sale so get in touch! 07909 518902. The new whip rules seem to be making most of the headlines recently, and their introduction yesterday did not go past without incident, with bans for 2 jockeys at Salisbury. All we ever seem to see quoted are views of racing professionals or punters - it would be interesting to see what the people who, instead of going racing on a Saturday afternoon, are out shopping or in the pub, make of the new rules, as it is because of them that they have been changed! I just wonder how many will change their routine of popping down to Tescos, Next or Matalan and actually go racing now that the whip rules have changed!! My guess is absolutely none! In which case the new rule is a complete waste of time! I have never met or seen anyone on a racecourse that winced at the sight of a horse getting a few reminders, and can't remember the last time I saw one marked. One thing that I feel will be very detrimental is the effect that it will have on betting turnover (and therefore prizemoney). How many times will a punter bet on racing, when the winner that they would have backed if it had got another reminder loses?? My guess is not many and it will drive punters away from the sport, reducing betting turnover, and ultimately prizemoney. I can only think that this rule (in it's present guise) is very detrimental to the sport! Shame!