Tuesday 22 November
For those that expressed a wish to join in with the new 'Club' horse I am trying to get I thought I would just give you all a bit of an update. I am still trying very hard to find the right horse - we were unlucky at the sales, and since then I have been trying to source a suitable candidate privately. I have been pursuing highly rated flat horses for hurdling that I think would benefit from a change of scenery, and am still talking about a highly rated hurdler/novice chaser, that although 8 yrs old, still has a nice handicap in him, and could get us to one of the festivals in the Spring - just at the moment I can't quite make the finances work, so it still only reamins a possible. I will continue to try and find something - and have highlighted some nice 3 yr old fillies at next months Tattersalls sale. If anyone would like to join us for £20/week (all inc) then please get in touch (email - info@nickbrownracing.co.uk or phone 07909 518902) Colebrooke worked very well this morning, and Smart Exit breezed nicely. San Telm is on tick over before his intended run on Thursday, and this mornings rain has been welcome for both this weeks runners. E Major has been dropped 1lb to 130, and The Fonz has been allotted 104.