Friday 25 November
San Telm put up a super show at Uttoxeter yesterday, that really points to a very bright future over hurdles. The afternoon worked so well on so many levels. Howard Cookes company, Ashphalt Reinforcement Services had taken a box, and kindly invited both Stuart and I to lunch. This is the first corporate occasion Howard and his team have hosted at the races, and it was wonderful that we were able to run San Telm in whom he has a share, on the same day.We even managed to mark their cards with a few other winning bets as well! San Telm had been showing a nice turn of foot at home and we expected him to run well, and he did not disappoint. Sam took the ride and he settled ST in mid division. ST travelled very well and turned into the home straight in third looking very much like the winner. He had to squeeze through a tight gap and did it with the confidence of an experienced horse but was then unforunately outstayed to the line. Sam jumped off him and reported himself very happy with the run. He thinks ST has a nice future and will win plenty of races!! ST had a full book of owners yesterday so it was a great day out for them and everyone was very happy indeed, and enjoyed a drink back in Howards box after the race. San Telm has come out of his race well and seems fine this morning, so we will look at a Novice/Maiden Hurdle for him in about a month.Lots to look forward to! Thanks again to Howard for his hospitality. Smart Exit is declared for his hurdling debut in Towcester tomorrow, and we hope that this good looking, long striding son of Exit To Nowhere can step up on his very green debut in horrible conditions in a Chepstow bumper.He is a long term project, but a horse with a nice future I hope.If anyone is interested in purchasing a share in a 130 rated hurdler that will take them to the nicest courses and the biggest meetings in the country and will be aimed at a top handicap in the next few months then please get in touch! (07909 518902) He comes form the same source as San Telm and the hugely talented but ill fated Robo so is not to be missed!!