Tuesday 30 May

Another summers evening and another ladies Night on a local racecourse! This time it is the turn of Huntingdon to welcome a bevvy of beauties. It looks like being a nice night, so they should get a good turn out. I will be going, and with the help of Tom O'Brien will hopefully be steering a few racegoers in the direction of some winners. Tom has 2 very fancied rides on the cards so we he looks to be the right man for the job!! Back at home - it seems as though the trip to Towcester that Tara Dancer made on Saturday morning has done just what we expected. It has been a great education for her and she has come on in leaps and bounds. She does everything with much more purpose, and worked very nicely with E Major this morning. We are now in a position to talk about targets, and it looks very likely that she will have an entry in Southwell on June 12th. She may be joined there on the day with E Major and Ogee who could well find themselves running against each other in the same race. Tannerman went well today, and shares are available in him. Instant fun!! 07909 518902 info@nickbrownracing.co.uk

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