Monday 16 July
Unfortunatley Kikos will not be entered for Market Rasen on Saturday. His foot abscess has put paid to that plan - he will now be aimed at Uttoxeter on 26th. They did manage to get a shoe on the offending limb on Saturday morning and he was able to go out on exercise, after which it was removed to continue to treat the infection, but unfortunatley they have run out of time, and he will not be ready to go on the weekend. He needs 2 more good pieces of work on Tuesday and Saturday to put him spot on, so all should be good for Uttoxeter. It was good to see San Telm and Colebrooke back at Fences Farm on Saturday, and they seem to be enjoying being in the dry for a change! Tannerman is back on the walker at Michael and Fionas and is looking good. Nick Brown Racing did manage to have a winner on Saturday, but it was of the canine variety, not equine. Our greyhound Apollo, who in fairness has been slightly frustrating up until now, finally got his head in front, in what was the strongest race he has contested for a week or two! For this reason he went unsupported, but it is nice to get a win with him finally, and hopefully with a bit of confidence he can go on and win again - greedy aren't we!!