Tuesday 22 January
Stuart and the staff at Fences Farm have pulled out all the stops over the course of the last few days to keep the show on the road. Like champion trainer Paul Nicholls, he was unable to get the horses out on the fields or gallops on Saturday, but yesterday they cantered around the farm on the snow and it was all go this morning. The temperature dipped to -12 with us, so it couldn't have been pleasant riding out, so a great deal of thanks to everyone on the yard for battling through!! Smart Exit has had a canter this morning, and all seems well, so when the gallop is fit to do a piece of work he will be assessed to see how staright he is, and if he is OK he could be back on the course in 2-3 weeks! Tannerman has plenty of entries, (Fakenham now abandoned), the latest of which is Fontwell on Sunday, but to be fair he is very unlikely to go, as the ground will be pretty awful when the snow melts. He will tick over until there is a bit better going about. San Telm is ready to go if the weather breaks as soft ground holds no terrors for him, but after the weekend there are no races for him until early February.