Tuesday 2 July
Last Friday we held the Annual Charity Cricket Match at Eversholt CC in aid if the Injured Jockeys Fund. After a recent dry spell it was sods law that it rained on the day, and despite it looking good mid afternoon, a further band of rain at 4 oclock meant that we had to abandon the game without a ball being bowled. A real shame - but we pressed on regardless and had a very enjoyable social evening. Stuart Hunter of Crackling Fayre did the honours with another top class Hog Roast, which seemed to go down very well. Brendan Powell, Sam Jones and Josh Moore all very generously gave up their time to come from all over the South of England on a Friday evening to meet owners and club members, and we thank them very much for doing so. With no Cricket going on we did manage to get a game of rounders going on the outfield. This competitive affair was hard fought and it was not lost on our team, that it was won by the team with nearly double the team members! And I was probably guilty of letting Sorrel have a few freebies as well!! We would like to thank Eversholt very much for hosting us once again, and sincerely hope that we can get a game on next year!! Thanks Chaps! Back at home and Tara Dancer has started to quicken up nicley. Stuart is very happy with her, and feels that she has improved vastly form last year - which is what we all felt. She is working away very nicely with Ogee, and despite still about 3-4 weeks off a run is very much going the right way! Shares in the Racing Club, in whose colours she will run are still available for just £20/week (and you get a share in Guest of Honour Free!!!). Yesterday the first of the 'Winter' horses retuned to Fences Farm, and it was a thrill to welcome Omaruru back!! This beautiful, big, and talented son of Cape Cross is back after a near fatal bout of colic, and a minor injury, and we are very much looking forward to this classy gelding going Novice Chasing this year! (Shares in Omaruru are also available for just £20/week, all inclusive). It will not be long before Fences Farm is full of horses again and we can start plotting a few outings!!