Monday 8 July
A tremendous weekend of sport! A British (Scottish) Wimbledon Champion, a Wallaby mauling at the hands of the Lions, and a lovely Saturday afternoon watching the village second XI getting beaten! The liver needs a rest!! Saturday morning was a flying visit to Fences Farm as I was not going to miss the 3rd and deciding Lions Test match for love nor money! John Bartlett joined me in the sunshine on the hill and saw Tara Dancer do her second piece of fast work with Ogee. A satisfactory piece, but Stuart, who rode her was not 100% happy, and we have decided to scope her after a piece of work on Tuesday, as there could just be something there that we need to address before she makes her hurdling debut. More news on that tomorrow, but at the moment it would appear that if there is anything to be done - it will only mean the shortest of hold ups! Guest Of Honour looks fantastic, and will be in to start his Fences Farm career next Monday. Omaruru has been in rude health, even having a buck and a skip, forcing his jockeys to sit tight - he also looks fantastic, and it is just superb to have 'The Machine' back! Benefit Cut is very relaxed at the moment, and the break has done him the world of good mentally. Hopefully he will carry this laid back attitude forward into his work when he starts cantering. San Telm and Colebrooke will return to the fold next Monday as well. Smart Exit will be back in at the end of July.