Wednesday 17 July
Tara Dancer is ready. She had her final piece of work yesterday, and worked very well upsides Ogee. The tongue tie has made a huge difference in her home work, and we now have to see if it can work the oracle and keep everything together under race conditions. She will have a pop up a few flights of hurdles this morning, to just flex her muscles, and keep her eye in, and then it should be all systems go!! She will be entered today, for the mares novices hurdle in Southwell next Tuesday, and when we see the opposition later this afternoon, we will make a decision on where she runs - there or Stratford on Sunday. I got ever so slightly ahead of myself earlier in the week, and said that Smart Exit and Colebrooke were coming back to Fences Farm on Monday - in fact, they will return today, Stuart collected Genny Wren from the stud yesterday, and will pop over to Colin and Ann's later on to get C and SE. We will then have the full compliment back in, and will be all set for what looks like a very exciting season ahead, with all the horses very much capable of winning races and taking their owners to some very nice courses on the way. Things are hotting up with the sale of the 3 yr old filly (Tobougg x Forest Pride), - there has been a very favourable response since she went up on the web-site, and hopefully we will have more news regarding her over the course of the next week or two.