Friday 2 August
Apart from Benefit Cut (who came back to work in mid June) the first bunch that came back in at the start of July have now been walking and trotting for a month. It is time for them to start stepping on the gas - they will now start cantering. These include Silver Wren who has been off games for a while with an injury, Carolina Wren, who exceeded all expectations in gutsing out a third place in her debut bumper, when in fairness she had probably gone over the top a bit. Norse Wren, who can gallop and jump, but needs to learn to do both things at once. Also in this group are Ereyna, a spirited little madam, who ran well in her debut bumper in Towcester in the spring and the pocket rocket that is Grassfinch. Everyone is looking forward to seeing Grassfinch out again - the form of her last race is working out very nicely with the mare that she beat by 3 lengths (giving it 21lbs) went on to win her next 6 races on the spin and now has a hurdles rating of 147!! We are looking forward to welcoming Mark Atherton to Fences Farm tomorrow for his first visit - he will meet his horses - Omaruru and Guest Of Honour before we nip down to Michael and Fiona's to see the Tobougg filly, in which he, and several of his colleagues and friends, are very keen in taking a share in!!