Monday 12 August
The Glorious Twelfth today - watch out grouse! And it was a glorious weekend as well!! Now that the horses are starting to do a bit more than just 'road work', and instead of merely walking and trotting around the roads and farm, they are now cantering on the wood chip, it means there is a bit more action to see. Understandably this is slightly more of a spectacle, than just watching their horses walk out of the yard and return over an hour later - so we are starting to get a few more folks about on a Saturday morning. This weekend we were joined by Kevin and Jo, and Chris and Judy whom were all over to meet Guest Of Honour for the first time. They were all impressed! They were in fact a week early as GOH starts cantering midweek, along with Omaruru, Colebrooke and San Telm, but they did get to see him trot past twice. He moves beautifully, and will be aimed at a bumper in October. He is permitted to run in 1 more 'ordinary' bumper, and we will use that to learn an bit about him before we send him over hurdles. The horses that arrived back in at the start of July are cantering now, and it will not be long before we see them on the racecourse. The next runner from the yard is likely to be Ogee at the end of the month, followed by Benefit Cut who has a target in late September. The photo on the right is Guest Of Honour before he went out on his exercise.