Tuesday 27 August
A busy Bank Holiday weekend over - and guess what it rained!! Saturday was particularly wet - which meant that only 1 hardy soul pitched up to see the horses exercise - well done John! Smart Exit and San Telm went well first lot - and John got to see Benefit Cut stride on very impressively after breakfast along with Guest Of Honour who did 2 canter with Reyno. Ogee did a good piece of work - working up to and past the 2 cantering in front.
Third lot - and still raining - we saw Omaruru lead the string. I failed to capture it - but I can confirm that he is in fantastic form, as some of the bucks he was putting in were mightily impressive. Once he started the rest had a go, and riding them all looked like good fun!
Things are really going forward now - with all the horses doing 2 full canters from the bottom - it will only be a matter of a few weeks before they start putting some fast work in!!