Thursday 26 September
It's getting to that time of year when the clippers come out and the horses have their first clip of the season. Guest Of Honour was the first on the list, and had his jacket off today. Some horses really don't mind being clipped, but some do, and Stuart took the decision to do him today, so that he was ready for Fontwell if he is deemed to be fit enough after work on Saturday. GOH didn't bat an eyelid at the clippers, and is now looking very smart! They look as if they are watering the ground in Market Rasen to produce Good ground, which will be ideal for Benefit Cut, who will be declared tomorrow. Omaruru is stating to 'find his figure', and is going very well - there are not many races for him in October - so expect to see him out in early November. if ground permits he will have a gallop around Towcester after their first meeting of the season. San Telm will be ready for the 12th if that is deemed a suitable race, and suitable ground. If not he will head to Cheltenham the week after.