Friday 29 November
It seems an eternity since I spent a full Saturday morning at Fences Farm, but tomorrow we will be there for the duration. I do miss seeing the horses work, and watching them progress throughout the season, but me not being there does mean that we are getting something right!! We are always striving to better the quality of horse that we purchase, and (with a few exceptions) we are doing that, and not being at the yard on a Saturday is a sure indication that we are getting a better grade of horse that is able to compete at the bigger 'Saturday' meetings! We are continually trying to source the best we can for the money that we have available and I think that the way things are going we are doing that. Guest Of Honour is obviously an exception, but his failure can't be blamed on anyone. His form was very good, he was sound in wind and limb, and we were told that he had plenty of ability - the one thing that we can't tell is if they are prone to bursting blood vessels in races - which is a degenerative condition, and one that he suffered from. As you all know we are not in this to waste peoples money, and if the horse isn't capable/willing to be competitive, then we replace them with one that hopefully will do the job. I am sure that we all agree that going to the races to finish unplaced or pulled up, is not a fun day out!! I am aware that everyone involved in GOH, had, in the past, had the disappointments of Tannerman and Tara Dancer, so the replacement needs to be spot on. If all goes well and it passes the vet on Monday I am sure that everyone will be delighted as we will be buying a lovely horse that already qualifies to run at the bigger meetings!! Fingers crossed the vetting and his subsequent career at Fences Farm pan out!! As I am at the yard tomorrow, I have a few owners coming to see the horses work - let me know if you would like to come along too.