Tuesday 10 December
Colebrooke has 2 entries over the weekend. He is in at Lingield on Saturday, and Carlisle on Sunday. His destination will depend on ground and jockey availability, and will shake itself out later this week. San Telm ( and Colebrooke) will have an entry in a Fakenham chase next Tuesday (17th). I am still on the lookout for a new face to join the team, and I have been in touch with a few folks to find out some information on some of their charges that may get us to the races! I will hopefully have an answer on them before the end of the week. Thanks to those that have been my eyes and ears - you are, and continue to be, a great help!! Maypole Lass is fine after her run, and should be out again at the end of the month before having a mid season break over the worst part of the winter - she will return on the better ground in the spring. Smart Exit is still on track for one of his 2 engagements on either the 19th or 20th of December.