Thursday 9 January
Brett 'The Prosecco' Vet was in this morning to scope a few of the horses. And basically it was good news all round - Benefit Cut was 100% clean, and appears in great heart. BC was never right last year - never quite scoping 100%, but he has been clean all season which is great news! Smart Exit was also checked and he scoped clean as well, and is also in fine fettle - both are obviously still on song and firmly on track for their next appearances a week on Saturday and Sunday respectively. San Telm has come out of his race fine, and we will look for a race for him starting in about 10 days time. There are plenty of races for him over hurldes, a 2m 5f handicap in Towcester being the first on the 19th. Stuart also got the vet to scope the Tobougg filly and she was found to be suffering a bout of mucus - oddly this is also good news, as she can be cleaned up and cracked on with. It is not uncommon for 'the babies' to suffer some coughs and sneezes when they are upped in their work - their system is put under a bit of pressure for the first time, and most succumb in one way or another - the important thing is not to do too much with them if they are suffering, as this can lead to longer term problems, so everyone is pleased that she can have a course of antibiotics and carry on!! She is still doing everything very nicely, and would still be on course to make her debut next month. There are still a limited number of shares for sale in this beautifully bred young lady - so give me a call if you would like to join her small and select group of owners, her pedigree suggests that she should win plenty of races, and if she does her broodmare value will be enormous!! 07909 518902 to request a copy of her pedigree so you can see for yourself what a fantastic family she comes form!!