Monday 10 March
The best weeks racing in the jumps season is here, and it is sure to be a thrilling 4 days in Prestbury Park! The ground will be a huge factor this week, with the wettest winter on record, the form book is slanted to horses with soft/heavy ground form, so with the ground sure to be drying out all the time trying to find winners could be a tough task! We are not there this year, but look like having runners in Liverpool and Punchestown! It was a lovely weekend weather wise, but only seemed to warm up on Saturday after the work was finished! Howard Cooke was up bright and early and saw his boy Benefit Cut do a couple of canters - BC will go to Ascot at the end of the month before heading over to Ireland in early May. After breakfast we had a goods bunch of Racing Club members come in to see their 'winning machine', Dawn Commander. DC has come out of Doncaster in good order, and did 2 canters under Stuart. He feels very fresh and well, and will head to Aintree in early April. Yesterday, there was not a cloud in the sky in Warwick, where Reyno continued his recent run of under performance in their first race. Jury out on him at the moment, he may have a crack at chasing to see if that can spark hi into life. Jamie Moore took the ride and was in good form before his big day in Cheltenham on Wednesday, when he rides Champion Chase favourite, Sire De Grugy for his father Gary. Good Luck to the team, I would dearly love to see this glorious chesnut come striding up the hill and past them post in front - there would be no more a deserving team!