Wednesday 23 April
That time of year has rolled around again - Time for some Cricket!! Well, if the weather let's us this year!! Eversholt CC, have kindly agreed to host us again this year, and the match has been arranged for Friday June 27th. Start time will be 6.00pm. The series currently stands at 1-1, with one wash out, so it is all to play for! We will need to put out a strong side, as our hosts will be very keen to go ahead in the series, so I will be looking for the very best cricketers amongst us to take the field. Please get in touch if you would like to play - or you know anyone that would like to don the whites. The evening will take its usual course with plenty of beer, wine, laughs, and a superb hog roast supplied by Stuart Hunter's Crackling Fayre. Tonight Colebrooke heads to Southwell, hopefully he feels in the mood for his new trainer! if he does he is well handicapped!!