Thursday 22 May
A trip up to Doncaster sales yesterday, and with just the one horse in the section that I thought was suitable for a new club, we were going to need to be very lucky to get him. We had seen the horse at home last week, and liked what we saw, but unfortunately for us so did plenty of others!! On a hot day, it was a very hot trade, and he was a very popular lot, eventually making well above our valuation. We have other irons in the fire, and will work on those before a trip to Cheltenham for their end of season sale next week! The horse that we buy for our new Racing Club, must be the right one, and we will not rush into making a rash decision - it is always best to be patient and wait for something that really fits the bill (and the budget)!! Yesterday another share was taken in the new horse when we get him, so the places are filling fast, we are now down to just a handful of spaces in the new club left, so if you fancy being involved, please get in touch by phone 907909 518902) or email ( ASAP - we would hate for anyone to miss out!! Genny Wren seems in good form at home and will be declared in Towcester tomorrow evening. She ran a corker on her last appearance to be third and seems to have taken immense confidence out of it. She will be scoped in the meantime to confirm that she is 100%, and if all is well she should run a really nice race. She deserves to win a little race, as although she is of limited ability, and has had more problems than most, she is just so enthusiastic, and loves her job! Hopefully with the yard in flying form - tomorrow can be her day!!